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2018-10-12 17:40:32


六、從句中選擇關(guān)系詞題(重點在定語從句,多看筆記,because/since/now that/as for;so…that…such…that…)

1、It was in so friendly a way that he talked with us.

2、Oct.15,2005 is a day when we will take our English examination.

3、We want to buy the same book as you are reading.

4、The sun heats the earth,which is very important to living things.

七、虛擬語氣(我們要記住與現(xiàn)在,過去,將來相反的三種情況,特別是與過去相反的情況最常考,再有就是wish/as if后面所接的三種情況,還有一個??键c在suggest,demand,require,order等表示建議,要求,命令的詞后面加從句時,從句里謂語要用(should)+動詞原形,如果是被動則用(should+be+動詞過去分詞)

1、I would have done it better if I had had more time.

2、I wish you would go with us tomorrow.

3、I suggest that we(should)adopt a different policy.

4、Had it not been for your help,we would never have been able to get over the difficulties.

八、情態(tài)動詞題(除了掌握常見情態(tài)動詞基本用法外,??键c在三種表推測的情況,分別為must表對現(xiàn)在事情的肯定推測,can't表對現(xiàn)在事實的否定推測,must have+v-ed表示對過去事實的肯定推測,而則表示過去應(yīng)該做某事而沒有做)

1、The ground is so wet,it must have rained last night.

2、She must be a doctor,I think.

3、I should have called you last week,but I was too busy then.

九、幾組形容詞及副詞區(qū)別題(注意比較級、最高級、倍數(shù)表達;likely/possible/probable;worth/worthy;too much/much too;already/yet等)

1、His books are three time as many as my books.

2、The Nile river is the longest river in the world.

3、It is much too hot tonight.

4、The harder he worked,the happier he felt.

十、主謂一致題(往往出題者都是考謂語動詞選單數(shù)這種情況,如each,every,everyone這樣的詞作主語以及Mary,like many other girls likes listening to music這樣的題)

1、The moral of the officers and crew was very high.

2、Each boy and each girl in the city is asked to go to school.

3、Neither the quality nor the prices have changed.(近位原則)

十一、動詞及動詞詞組區(qū)別題(??嫉挠衦aise/rise/arise/arose;spend/cost/take/pay/afford;wound/injure/hurt/damage;find/find out/discover/inv-ent;hits/trike/ring/beat;tell/say/speak/talk;join/join intake part in等以及我所講過的動詞短語)

1、Can you tell the difference between these two words

2、He joined the army three years ago.


1、They will leave the classroom when they have finished writing.

2、We will start to work as soon as our teacher comes.

十三、名詞所有格以及名詞后面有限定時則該名詞前一定要加定冠詞the題(名詞的格有以下兩種情況,Tom' book,以及the books of our school,特別是用of表示的所有格我們一定要習(xí)慣這種表達)

1、Beijing is the capital of China.

2、He can't have the experience of all of the world.

十四、常用介詞區(qū)別題(如on,in,except besides,within,without,through等)

1、You should write in ink not with your pencil.

2、He pulled her into the train by the arm.

3、by bus/train/air。On foot,on the farm,in the morning/afternoon/evening,at night/noon

十五、??即~題(常考的有other/others,another/the other;sometimes/some time/sometime;that/which;that/what,either/neither/or;too/also/either;many/much/a great deal of/a great number of/a great amount of;a few/few/little/a little;as long as/as far as;so long as/so far as)

1、That you don't like him is none of my business.

2、The weather in the north is much colder than that in the south in January.

3、He must be a worker.I think so.


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