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2018-07-16 15:38:29





1. 請(qǐng)選擇出劃線部分讀音不同的選項(xiàng)( )。

A. climb

B. comb

C. doubt

D. Double


2. 請(qǐng)選擇出劃線部分讀音不同的選項(xiàng)( )。

A. weather

B. gather

C. method

D. Northern


3. 請(qǐng)選擇出劃線部分讀音不同的選項(xiàng)( )。

A. tale

B. trade

C. have

D. wave


4. 請(qǐng)選擇出劃線部分讀音不同的選項(xiàng)( )。

A. special

B. second

C. uncle

D. Victory


5. 請(qǐng)選擇出劃線部分讀音不同的選項(xiàng)( )。

A. about

B. south

C. loud

D. Youth



6. I don' t remember who spoke first that night, but all of us__________ the same opinion.

A. are expressing

B. have expressed

C. expressed

D. Express



7. You could look for a job in big cities__________ workers are better paid.

A. where

B. when

C. whose

D. That


【應(yīng)試指導(dǎo)】本題考查定語(yǔ)從句。句意:你可以在大城市找工作,那里的工人的工資較高。先行詞為big cities,表示地點(diǎn),故用表示地點(diǎn)的關(guān)系副詞where,在定語(yǔ)從句中作地點(diǎn)狀語(yǔ)。

8. The girl who__________by a falling tree is now in the hospital.

A. hit

B. has hit

C. has been hit

D. was hit



9. The students sat under a big tree,__________cold orange juice.

A. drink

B. drank

C. to drink

D. Drinking



10. Studies will be needed to see if the medicine has any__________ on the disease.

A. wealth

B. effect

C. price

D. Market


【應(yīng)試指導(dǎo)】本題考查固定搭配。句意:人們需要經(jīng)過研究才能知道這種藥物對(duì)這種疾病是否有影響。have effect on是固定搭配,表示“對(duì)…--有影響”。

11. A tall building has been set up in__________ was a wasteland before.

A. which

B. where

C. what

D. That


【應(yīng)試指導(dǎo)】本題考查賓語(yǔ)從句。句意:以前曾是一個(gè)垃圾場(chǎng)的地方,現(xiàn)在已建起了一棟高樓。what was a wasteland before是一個(gè)賓語(yǔ)從句,作前面介詞in的賓語(yǔ),其中what作從句的主語(yǔ)。

12.I can' t find my notebook in the room. I__________ it in the library last night.

A. ought to have left

B. would have left

C. should have left

D. must have left


【應(yīng)試指導(dǎo)】本題考查情態(tài)動(dòng)詞的用法。句意:我沒有在房間里找到我的筆記本,一定是昨晚忘在圖書館了。由前一句可知,后一句是對(duì)過去的情況進(jìn)行非??隙ǖ牟聹y(cè),一般用“must have+過去分詞”結(jié)構(gòu)。

13.___________the end,the boy chose to go to Oberlin College.

A. At

B. By

C. In

D. On


【應(yīng)試指導(dǎo)】本題考查介詞辨析。句意:最后,那個(gè)男孩選擇去上歐柏林大學(xué)。in the end為固定短語(yǔ),表示“最后,終于”。

14. David won' t come to my wedding party______I send him an invitation.

A. when

B. unless

C. is

D. After


【應(yīng)試指導(dǎo)】本題考查連詞辨析。句意:除非我邀請(qǐng)大衛(wèi),否則他是不會(huì)來(lái)參加我的婚禮的。unless相當(dāng)于if not,表示“除非,如果不”。

15. It was______beautiful weather that we spent the whole day in the park.

A. really

B. so

C. such

D. Very



16. At the foot of the hill,Jim_____his bicycle and began to push it.

A. got away

B. got off

C. got on

D. got up


【應(yīng)試指導(dǎo)】本題考查短語(yǔ)辨析。句意:在山腳下,吉姆從自行車上下來(lái),開始推車前行。getaway“離開,逃脫”;9et off“從……下來(lái)”;9et on“上車”;get up“起床”。故選B。

17. I like parents to come to school,__________I do not like them to go away with a misunderstanding.

A. but

B. for

C. or

D. So



18.Alfredo left the house at 6 this morning,and we______him ever since.

A. wouldn' t see

B. didn' t see

C. haven' t seen

D. hadn' t seen



19.The children were required to wear new school clothes ,but Kim couldn't afford__________.

A. any

B. one

C. some

D. That



20. My birthday is on__________Friday this year.

A. 不填

B. a

C. an

D. The




One evening my father brought my brother and me to pick up our mother. We arrived at theEagles Hall and were 21__________in the car when my father smelled something. He 22__________behind ourcar and could see smoke 23__________from a house, a block behind us. He quickly drove around to thehouse. The smoke was thick, and we saw 24__________when he opened the door and went inside. He cameout with a woman and rushed 25__________in for her children. He didn' t 26__________until all the childrenwere out. When the 27__________arrived we went back to get Morn.

My father didn' t 28__________mention it to Morn. We had to tell her what we had 29__________. My fathersaid that nothing much 30__________and not to worry. The next day the story in the 31__________said that thepeople from the house were trying to 32__________my father to thank him. My father just said that they hadmore important things to be 33__________with. That' s my dad and I still remember the many great thingshe did for others.

Any one of these 34__________makes my dad a hero, but he never stops. I' ve learned from him that being a hero 35__________doing whatever you can whenever you can.

21.請(qǐng)選擇最佳選項(xiàng)( )。

A. driving

B. hiding

C. dreaming

D. Waiting



22.請(qǐng)選擇最佳選項(xiàng)( )。

A. stared

B. searched

C. looked

D. Checked


【應(yīng)試指導(dǎo)】詞語(yǔ)搭配題。父親當(dāng)時(shí)聞到了什么,就回頭看看.look behind意為“向后看”。

23.請(qǐng)選擇最佳選項(xiàng)( )。

A. coming

B. moving

C. flying

D. Going


【應(yīng)試指導(dǎo)】詞語(yǔ)搭配題。父親看到煙來(lái)自一座房子里。come from意為“來(lái)自于”。

24.請(qǐng)選擇最佳選項(xiàng)( )。

A. a woman

B. fire

C. ruins

D. some children



25.請(qǐng)選擇最佳選項(xiàng)( )。

A. up

B. straight

C. forward

D. Back


【應(yīng)試指導(dǎo)】詞語(yǔ)搭配題。由上、下文可知,父親先把婦女救了出來(lái),然后又沖回去救她的孩子們。rush back意為“沖回”。

26.請(qǐng)選擇最佳選項(xiàng)( )。

A. stop

B. care

C. set out

D. get in



27.請(qǐng)選擇最佳選項(xiàng)( )。

A. friends

B. soldiers

C. newsmen

D. Firemen


【應(yīng)試指導(dǎo)】推理判斷題。可推測(cè)出,消防人員是 隨后才趕到的:firemen意為“消防員”。

28.請(qǐng)選擇最佳選項(xiàng)( )。

A. even

B. ever

C. just

D. Still



29.請(qǐng)選擇最佳選項(xiàng)( )。

A. thought

B. heard

C. learned

D. Seen



30.請(qǐng)選擇最佳選項(xiàng)( )。

A. happened

B. changed

C. burned

D. Broke



31. 請(qǐng)選擇最佳選項(xiàng)( )。

A. town

B. street

C. paper

D. Book


【應(yīng)試指導(dǎo)】詞語(yǔ)搭配題。第二天,這個(gè)故事登上了報(bào)紙。in the paper意為“在報(bào)紙上”。

32. 請(qǐng)選擇最佳選項(xiàng)( )。

A. recognize

B. please

C. report

D. Find



33. 請(qǐng)選擇最佳選項(xiàng)( )。

A. angry

B. busy

C. familiar

D. Happy


【應(yīng)試指導(dǎo)】詞語(yǔ)搭配題。父親認(rèn)為這是他應(yīng)該做的,并讓大家去忙更重要的事情。be busy with意為“忙于……”。

34. 請(qǐng)選擇最佳選項(xiàng)( )。

A. troubles

B. meetings

C. events

D. Accidents



35. 請(qǐng)選擇最佳選項(xiàng)( )。

A. notices

B. means

C. promises

D. Remembers


【應(yīng)試指導(dǎo)】詞義辨析題。作者從父親身上了解到,要成為一個(gè)英雄.無(wú)論何時(shí)何地都應(yīng)該做你應(yīng)該做的事:mean doin9意為“意味著干某事”。



Many people earn their living with their hands. Ed earns his living with his feet! And a very good living it is, too.

Ed' s story began in a very small town in Brazil. His father and mother were very poor. Sevenpeople lived in their tiny house. Ed' s father often played football. Little Ed wanted to play footballtoo. So his father made a soft ball for him to kick. It was a sock filled with soft materials. The littleboy kicked it every day.

At last Ed learned to kick a real football. By the time he was 11, he played footbal very well.One day Ed was playing with some men. A man passing by saw how fast the boy run. Hestopped to watch. How well Ed kicked the ball!

After the game, the man called Ed to him. "My name is Mr. Dee," he said. "I used to play 7football for a living. Will you let me teach youwhat I know?"Oh, yes !" Ed answered.

In the next four years, Mr. Dee trained Ed to be a fine player. The boy worked hard. At last Mr.Dee talked to Ed' s father. "This boy is ready to play with the big teams," he said. "Let me takehim to a city that has a good team. "

Mr. Dee took Ed to Santos, Brazil. There ,the boy joined the Santos Football Club.

In his first big game, Ed helped his team win by seven points. He made four of the seven points !Many people thought he was the best football player in the world. He was "The King ofFootball".

36. What is said about Ed's family when he was a little child?

A. There were seven people in his family.

B. His father made soft balls for a living.

C. His parents liked playing football.

D. His parents bought him a football.



37. When he first saw Ed playing football, Mr. Dee was attracted by

A. his young age

B. his running speed

C. his love for football

D. his playing with men



38. What can we know about Mr. Dee from the text?

A. He joined the Santos Football Club.

B. He and Ed used to live in the same town.

C. He had been the best football player in Brazil.

D. He happened to find a very good football player.




"The price of books for our students is just getting higher and higher and, along with the risingcost of tuition ( 學(xué)費(fèi)), it ' s killing these students," said Peter Jason, a college professor."Remember, students are one of the poorest groups of people in America. Almost half of them have atleast one part-time job. In fact, one of my students has three jobs. And she still manages to have highscores and go to school full-time. "

Textbook prices are usually high. Adding to that problem, many college teachers change textbooks year after year;they either upgrade to a new edition(版本) or change to a different textbook. This furtherhurts students because if a teacher no longer uses a textbook,that book has no resalevalue.

Dr. Jason decided to make life a little easier and a lot cheaper for his students by writing hisown book on public speaking. "Many books have an increased price because of CD-ROMs, lots ofcolor photographs and pictures. I talked to my students, and many of them, like me, prefer to keepthings simple. So, a few years ago, I wrote my own textbook. I made sure that it was simple. Comparedto most of other public speaking books, mine is half the number of pages, and one-third the price.That is $30 instead of $90. When I wrote a second edition last year,students only had to buy the_35new pages. For only $7.00, they had almost a new book. "

39. What did Dr. Jason say about students at college?

A. They are short of money.

B. They need simple books.

C. They have no part-time jobs.

D. They are trying to get high scores.


【應(yīng)試指導(dǎo)】推理判斷題。從第一段Peter Jason的話可知,書費(fèi)漲得越來(lái)越高,并且學(xué)費(fèi)也在不斷增長(zhǎng),學(xué)生不得不去做兼職。這說(shuō)明大學(xué)生比較缺錢。故A正確。

40. What does "that problem" in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A. The high prices of textbooks.

B. The low resale value of books.

C. Too many different new books.

D. No color pictures in textbooks.


【應(yīng)試指導(dǎo)】詞義猜測(cè)題。從第二段第一句可知,課本費(fèi)通常是很高的。that problem指代的就是這個(gè)問題。故A正確。

41. What did Dr. Jason decide to do to help the students?

A. To choose cheaper textbooks.

B. B. To write a textbook himself.

C. To speak to his students.

D. To use old textbooks.



42. How much does a public speaking book usually cost?

A. About 7 dollars.

B. About 30 dollars.

C. About 37 dollars.

D. About 90 dollars.




We don't have beds in the space shuttle (航天飛機(jī)), but we do have sleeping bags. During theday, when we are working, we leave the bags tied to the wall, out of the way. At bedtime we untiethem and take them wherever we' ve chosen to sleep.

On most space shuttle flights everyone sleeps at the same time. No one has to stay awake towatch over the space plane;the shuttle' s computers and the engineers at the Control Office do that.If anything goes wrong, the computers ring a warning bell and the engineers call us on the radio.

On the space shuttle, sleep-time doesn ' t mean nighttime. During each ninety-minute flightaround the earth, the sun "rises" and shines through our windows for about fifty minutes;then it"sets" as our flight takes us around the dark side of the Earth. To keep the sun out of our eyes, wewear black sleep masks (眼罩).

It is surprisingly easy to get comfortable and fall asleep in space, and we sleep differently. Somesleep upside down,some sideways,some right side up. When it's time to sleep,I take my bag,my sleepmask, and my. tape player with earphones and float up to the flight platform. Then I get into the bag, andfloat in a sitting position just above a seat,right next to a window. Before I pull the mask down over myeyes,I relax( 放松)for a while,listening to music and watching the Earth go by under me.

When I' m in space I don' t need as much sleep as I do on Earth. Maybe that' s because whenI am weightless,I don' t feel as tired. Or maybe it' s because I' m excited to be in space and don' twant to waste time sleeping.

43. What do the shuttle people do with their sleeping bags while working?

A. Keep them where they work.

B. Leave them where they sleep.

C. Place them on the beds.

D. Fix them to the wall.



44. During sleeping time, the job of watching over the shuttle is done by

A. the shuttle' s radio

B. the shuttle' s warning bell

C. people working in the shuttle

D. engineers at the Control Office



45. How often does the sun rise to people in the space shuttle?

A. Every 140 minutes.

B. Every 90 minutes.

C. Every 50 minutes.

D. Every 40 minutes.



46. What do we know about people sleeping in the space shttle?

A. They sleep while listening to music.

B. They have difficulty falling asleep.

C. They sleep in different positions.

D. They go to sleep when it is dark.




You have probably seen ads (廣告in newspapers or on TV for mail-order shopping. Perhapsyou have been sent a catalogue( 商品目錄)and have bought something by mail. Why do people buythings they have not seen with their own eyes? One of the reasons might be that some people behevethat things can be bought more cheaply by mail. Another advantage of mail-order shopping is that itis more comfortable to sit at home and look through a catalogue than to rush around the stores. Withthe catalogue from a large company, you have your own shop window for almost everything you mightwant to buy.

The mail-order business is very wide-spread. Some companies hire people to show productslisted in the catalogue to possible customers.Perhaps you have had one of these people call you orcome by your home.

Buying from a catalogue is so easy. It saves the shopper time and trouble. Sometimes, it savesthe shopper money. But people often buy more than they can really afford, since they can buy nowand pay later on. Some companies allow a customer to pay for a product over a long period of time.People can also pay a certain percent of the total price. This is called a down payment. Then thecustomer pays a certain amount of money every month until the product is completely paid for. People'can buy almost everything by mail-order shopping--furniture, tools and even heavy machines.

47. People prefer to buy things by mail-order because

A. they think the price is lower

B. they enjoy the shopping service

C. they can get catalogues they want

D. they can buy things from big companies



48. What do we know about mail-order business from the text?

A. Mail-order shopping is very common nowadays.

B. Mail-order companies respect their customers.

C. Shopping by mail causes trouble to old people.

D. Companies spend a lot of money sending catalogues.



49. What might be a big problem for mail-order customers?

A. It' s possible to get what they don' t like.

B. It' s easy to buy more than they can pay for.

C. They may fail to get what they have paid for.

D. They will wait for a long time to get the product.



50. What does "down payment" in the last paragraph mean?

A. The money a customer saves each month.

B. The money a customer pays for a product.

C. Part of the total cost a customer pays first.

D. Part of the total cost a customer saves.


【應(yīng)試指導(dǎo)】詞義猜測(cè)題。從第三段第五、六、七句可知,人們通過郵購(gòu)買東西時(shí),可以先付一部分錢,然后分期付款,直到付完。所以,down payment的意思是“(分期付款中的)頭期款;預(yù)付定金”。故C正確。




( Tom = T ; Alice = A)

T: Good afternoon. Alice. 51__________?

A:Yes. Mr. White called and he wanted to change 52__________.

T:Oh? When does he plan to come then?

A: 53__________.

T: Well, I don' t think it' s a good time. I' 11 54__________this Friday.

A:Shall I call him back and fix a time again?

T: Sure.

A:What time is good for you then?

T:Let me see. Thursday afternoon 55__________.

A : All right. I' 11 call him right away.


51.請(qǐng)?zhí)顚懽罴汛鸢? )。

【答案】(Is there/Do you have)Any message for me

52.請(qǐng)?zhí)顚懽罴汛鸢? )。

【答案】the/your meeting time

53.請(qǐng)?zhí)顚懽罴汛鸢? )。

【答案】(At)3 o'clock Friday afternoon

54.請(qǐng)?zhí)顚懽罴汛鸢? )。

【答案】go to/be in Beijing( on business)

55.請(qǐng)?zhí)顚懽罴汛鸢? )。

【答案】is fine/OK/good











Dear John,

We are going camping on Yulong Mountain this weekend.

Best wishes,Li Hua


One possible version:Dear John,

We are going camping on Yulong Mountain thisweekend. Would you like to join us? There' 11 be 6 of usin the group, if you come. We' 11 go there by train. Thetrain will leave at 9:30 am, and get there in two hours.We are to meet at the Railway Station Square at 8:30Saturday morning. Since we' 11 spend the night at the footof the mountain, please take your camping equipment,such as a tent and a sleeping bag. Don' t forget to takeyour overcoat and get enough water and food. We' 11 comeback Sunday afternoon. If you can join us ,please give mea reply soon.

Best wishes,Li Hua


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