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2017-08-25 17:23:33






1. The diamond interchange is B to both urban and rural use.

A. reliableB. adaptable

C. irresponsibleD. irrelevant

2. Transportation system in a developed nation A  of a network of modes that haveevolved over many years.

A. consistsB. maintainsC. keeps  D. contains

3. Athe site precedes all grading and most other construction operations.

A. ClearingB. CleaningC. ConstructingD. Cultivating

4. Loose rock includes materials such as Drock, or earth mixed with boulders.

A. broken B. blasted C. crushedD. weathered or rotten

5. The safe performance of the brake system has been ensured by the use of D brake


A. on-dutyB. duty-freeC. light-duty  D. heavy-duty

6. The unit price contract is adapted to highway engineering, because usually it is not possible

to determine exact quantities of some items of work Cconstruction is completed.

 A. afterB. when  C. before  D. while

7. In tension, the material isB.

A. pressedB. pulled apart C. pushed D. compressed

8. Causes of automobile accidents can be categorized into four major groups: the vehicles, the

road, the driver, theA

A. pedestrian  B. passengerC. carrier D. supplier

9. In compression, the material isCtogether.

A. stretchedB. apartC. pushed D. tense

10. Generally, there are two basic procedures for controlling the embankment density: 'manner

 and method' and'A

 A. result  B. combinationC. layer thickness  D. moisture control

11. Types of contracts are virtually classified by their Dsystem:price-based and


 A. constructionB. design C. tender  D. payment

12. Layered construction also produced greater uniformity in the materialDand in its

 density and moisture content.

 A. himselfB. myself C. themselves  D. itself

13. In excavation, rock nearly always must be drilled and blasted, then loaded with a front-end

 loader orD into trucks or other hauling units.

 A. roller  B. scraper C. bulldozerD. power shovel

14. There is a great deal that the actual highway designer canCprevent accident.

 A. do  B. to doC. do toD. to

15. Bis the dominant transportation mode in passenger travel.

 A. Air transportationB. Highway transportation

 C. Railway transportationD. Water transportation

16. The extensive use of prestressed structures has been due inAsmall measures to the

  advances in the technology.

  A. no  B. so  C. suchD. some

 17. It is customary for the employer to select the contractor for the project byD

  A. tender B. advertisementC. government D. bidding

 18. It is normal practice forCengineer to specialize in just one kind.

  A. one B. aC. an  D. the

 19. As a structural material, the enormous advantage of steel is itsC

  A. high compressive strengthB. high stress

  C. high tensile strength D. high power

 20. The prospective civil engineer should be aware of the physicalDthat will be made on

  him or her.

  A. conditions  B. test C. course D. demands


Passage One

 The civil engineering may work in research which involves duties, emphases, and uses of the

engineer's knowledge and experience. Research is one of the most important aspects of scientific

and engineering practice. A researcher usually works as a member of a team with other scientists and

engineers. He or she is often employed in a laboratory that is financed by government or industry.

Areas of research connected with civil engineering include soil mechanics and soil stabilization

techniques, and also the development and the testing of new structural materials.

21. Research is one of Daspects of scientific and engineering practice.

A. the most useless

B. the most advanced

C. the most unnecessary

D. the most important

22. Aresearcher is often employedC

A. on a farmB. in a library

C. in a laboratoryD. in a factory

23. A researcher usually works as a member of a team withC

A. farmers and scientists B. engineers and farmers

C. scientists and engineersD. workers and farmers

24. Which of the following is trueD?

A. Civil engineering research doesn't include the development of new electronics.

B. Civil engineering research doesn't include soil mechanics and soil stabilization.

C. Civil engineering research doesn't include the development of new structural materials.

D. Civil engineering research doesn't only include soil mechanics and soil stabilization,

but also the development of new structural materials.


Passage Two

 In civil engineering contract, the employer or promoter of civil engineering works normally

determines the conditions of contract, which define the obligations and performances by some form

of competitive tendering and any contractor who submits a successful tender and subsequently enters

into a contract is deemed in law to have voluntarily accepted the conditions of contract adopted by

the promoter.

The obligations that a contractor accepts when he submits a tender are determined by the form

of the invitation to tender. In most cases the tender may be withdrawn at any time until it has been

accepted and may, even then, be withdrawn if the acceptance is stated by the promoter to be 'subject

to formal contract' as is often the case.

25. From the passage, we can see that the conditions of contract are normally determined ByC .

  A. the government officialB. the contractor

  C. the promoterD. the carrier

26. These conditions of contract define the obligations and performances to which  Cwill

  be subject.

  A. the employerB. the official  C. the contractorD. the manager

27. The obligations thatDaccepts when he submits a tender are determined by the form

  of the invitation to the tender.

  A. the employerB. the auditor  C. the designer D. the contractor

28. In most cases the tender may be withdrawn at any time untilB

  A. the promoter has enough money

  B. it has been accepted

  C. the tender approved by the government

  D. achievement has been attained

  Passage Three

 Selection of excavation equipment depends on the nature of material. Materials are usually

described as 'rock', 'loose rock', or 'common', with 'common' signifying all material not otherwise

classified. Rock, sometimes called 'solid rock', nearly always must be drilled and blasted, then

loaded with a front-end loader or power shovel into trucks or other hauling units. Blasted rock may

be moved or drifted for short distances by means of a bulldozer, which is, in effect, a huge

tractor-mounted blade. Loose rock often is dug with loaders or shovels without any previous


29. According to the passage, which material signifying all material is not otherwise classified?  B

  A. loose rock B. common

  C. rock  D. solid rock

30. Which of the following is NOT true?D

  A. Rock is sometimes called 'solid rock'.

  B. Rock nearly always must be drilled and blasted.

  C. Rock is usually called 'hard rock'.

  D. Rock is sometimes called 'loose rock'.


31. According to the passage, which of the following is true?  B

  A. Loose rock nearly always must be drilled and blasted.

  B. Loose rock is often dug without any previous blasting.

  C. Blasted rock may be moved for long distances by bikes.

  D. Blasted rock may be moved for long distances by bulldozers.

32. From the passage, we can know that loose rock is often dug withB  without any

 previous blasting.

 A. track or ripper B. loaders or shovels

 C. roller or bulldozerD. truck or tractor

Passage Four

 It is well-known that civil engineering projects are almost unique; that is, each has its own

problems and design features. Therefore, careful study is given to each project even before design

work begins. The study includes a survey both of topography and subsoil features of the proposed

site. It also includes a consideration of possible alternatives, such as a concrete gravity dam or an

earth-fill embankment dam. The economic factors involved in each of the possible alternatives must

also be weighed. Today, a study usually includes a consideration of the environmental impact of the

project. Many engineers, usually working as a team that includes surveyors, specialists in soil

mechanics, and experts in design and construction, are involved in making these feasibility studies.

33. It is well-known that civil engineering projects areA

A. almost always distinctiveB. the similar

C. alikeD. the same

34. Each projectD before design work begins.

A. may not be considered

B. can't be studied

C. should not be taken into consideration

D. must be studied carefully

35. The study, which must consider not only structural features but also economic factors and

possible alternatives or other choices, is calledB  

 A. system engineering  B. feasibility study

 C. structural designD. quality analysis

36. Which of the following is true?  A

 A. Today civil engineering project need consider the environmental impact of the project.

 B. Today the study about civil engineering project needn't consider the environmental

 impact of the project.

 C. Today the study about civil engineering project needn't consider the resource impact of

 the project.

 D. Today the study about civil engineering needn't consider the economic factors of the


Passage Five

 At one time, whether of rock or earth, were constructed to full height by 'end-dumping' from

the transporting vehicles. It was anticipated that such fills would settle for some time and that initial

pavement, if any, was temporary. In the 1930s engineers found that superior embankments could be

constructed by spreading the material in relatively thin layers and compacting it at moisture content

close to optimum. The improvement resulted largely because greater density was obtained, which

resulted in higher "strength" in the soil mass and in decreased settlement and rutting. Layered

construction also produced greater uniformity in the material itself and in its density and moisture

content. This was beneficial since any subsequent consolidation or swelling would be relatively


37. In the 1930s engineers found embankments could be constructed byB

 A. compacting it at density and spreading the material in relatively thick layers.

 B. compacting it at a moisture content and spreading the material in relatively thin layers~

 C. compacting it at borrow area.

 D. spreading materials in a superior way.

38. According to the passage, what leads to higher "strength"?A

 A. Greater density was obtained.

 B. Moisture content close to minimum.

 C. More material was used.

 D. Greater improvement of the content.

39. Which of the following is true?C

  A. Layered construction produced greater difference in the material and etc.

  B. Layered construction produced greater disagreement in its density.

  C. Layered construction produced greater unanimity in its density and moisture content.

  D. Layered construction produced greater disarray in its density and moisture content.

40. Which of the following words is the closest meaning of'optimum'?D

  A. Worst  B. Better  C. DifferentD. Best


41.Thehighwaycanrequirementalandphysical responseOfthedrlver.

42.Volume change would be nonunifOrib and WOUld result in difierential settlement Or swell between adjacent areas.

43. Traffic 10ads aretransferredbythewearingsurfacetOtheunderlyingSUppOningmaterlals

throu9htheinterlOckingOfaggre9ates,thefrictionaleffectOf  granular materials  ,andCOhesiOnOfthe  nnematerialS.

44.TheradiusOfatangentiS infinitewhilethatOfacurveisfinitee.


simplyreinfOrcedconcreteandcontinuously reinforcedpavements.

46.The POrtland cement concrete commonly used fOr rigid pavements consists OfPOrtland

cement,coarseag9regate,  fine aggregate ,Water.

47. Basically, causes of automobile accidents can be categorized mtofour major groups.

48. The normal steel does not exert any force of its own on the member,  contraryto the action of

 prestressing steel.

49. In different kinds of interchanges, the simplest and generally least costly form of interchange is the


50. Signing for freeways should be planned concurrently with thegeometricdesign.



51. Bridges, tunnels and skyscrapers under construction can also be dangerous places to work.


52. In addition, the work must also progress under all kinds of weather conditions..


53. This force prevents the cracks from developing.


54. Much of the work ofcivi! engineers is carried outdoors.


55. Construction is a complicated process on almost all engineering projects.





答:Ground surveys are the basic location technique for highways. The total station is

used for measuring angles in both vertical and horizontal planes, distances and

changes in elevation through the use of trigonometric levels. The level is used formeasuring changes in elevation only.



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