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2017-06-18 15:36:10


Television broadcasts are _1_to an area that is within the _2_ of the sending station or its relay(中轉站)。_3_ television relays are often placed on hills and mountains so that they can_4_a wider region, they still can not cover more [and than one from the hilltop _5_a clear day.

However, the rays also go out into the atmosphere,_6_there is a relay station on a satellite that _7_ around the earth, it can send the pictures to any point on the earth from which the satellite is _8_ Three satellites_9_. turning around over the equator(赤道)send any television program to any part of the earth._10_ makes it possible for world _11_of newspapers to give-the news in all countries at the same time._12_ it may be possible for a subscriber (訂戶)to a televised news-paper to _13_ a button and see a newspaper page _14_ his television screen. He could also decide when he wants the page _15_ ,_16_ , by dialing different such as_17_ on a telephone dial, he could choose the language or the edition of the paper he

wants to read. It seems strange to think that, even today, methods of the _18_ are not entire ly useless. For example, sometimes_19_agencies which use radio and Telstar also use pigeons to _20_ messages between offices in large cities because the pigeons are not bothered by traffic problems.

1. A. prohibited B. bounded C. limitedD. shifted

2. A. range B. view C. miles D. distance

3. A. Even B. Although C. UnlessD. Whenever

4. A. cover B. spread C. help D. pass

5. A. in B. during C. onD. at

6. A. and then B. by far C. when D. and if

7. A. spins B. revolvesC. jumps D. circles

8. A. watched B. visible C. spotted D. protected

9. A. always B. temporarilyC. permanently D. periodically

10. A. This B. That C. What D. Which

11. A. population B. editionsC. articlesD. reports

12. A. The other day B. At the future C. Someday D. One day

13. A. touch B. press C. suppress D. thumb

14. A. at B. in C. onD. by

15. A. turn B. to turn C. turning D. to be turned

16. A. also B. moreover C. andD. then

17. A. whatB. these C. those D. ones

18. A. passed B. pastC. old days D. out-of-date

19. A. press B. conference C. newspapersD. books

20. A. bring B. take C. distribute D. send


1.C limit:限制,局限。電視臺的位置是受到局限的。prohibit:vt.禁止。bound:vi.跳躍,跳動。shift:vt.轉移,移動。

2.A range射程,有效距離,量程。如:We waited until the enemy was within range,我們等敵人進入了射程。本文指中轉站能發(fā)射到的距離范圍之內。


4.A cover:vt.覆蓋。spread:vt.傳播;help:vt.幫助;pass:vt.通過。此處指中轉站覆蓋的地區(qū)。

5.C通常說on a clear day。強調具體的時間時用介詞on。如:on Friday,on the eveningwhen l was busy。


7.B revolve around:繞轉,公轉(主要指星球,球體),此處指衛(wèi)星繞著地球轉動。spin:vi.旋轉(以……為軸)。the top was spinning merrily.陀螺在輕快地旋轉著。jump:vi.跳躍。circle:v.使轉圈,在……上方盤旋。

8.B visible能看得見的,是形容詞。其余的都是動詞,放在這里是被動語態(tài),不符合語法。

9.C permanently:adv.永久地,永恒地。al-ways:adv.總是。temporarily:adv.臨時地,暫時地;periodically:adv.周期性地,定期地。衛(wèi)星應該被永久固定在一處進行節(jié)目的轉播。


11.B edition:版本;這里指報紙的出版。popuIation:n.人口;articles:n.文章;reports:n.報道。此三項均不符合題意。

12.C someday:表示將來的某一天。the other day:前一天。on day:有一天。future:n。將來。未來。一般用in the future。因此C項正確。

13.B press a button:按動電扭,最符合題意。touch:觸摸,接觸,主要強調觸覺,一般不和button搭配。suppress:鎮(zhèn)壓。thumb:用拇指翻動。

14.C on the television screen在電視屏幕上。

15.B 當不定式修飾want,have等動詞的賓語、而整個句子的主語是不定式的邏輯主語時,不定式用主動形式表示被修飾賓語的被動含義:We have little homework to do.(我們沒有多少作業(yè)可做。即:沒有多少作業(yè)可以被做。)(實際上是we do homework,所以用主動語態(tài));She felt tired because she has three babies to look after.(她要照看三個孩子,所以很累。)(實際上是she looks after the habies,所以用主動語態(tài)。)

16.C 前面有he could…,后面又有he could…明顯是兩個并列句,所以選and。


18.B methods of past:過去的方法。

19.A press agency:新聞機構。

20.D send message:發(fā)送信息。


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