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2019-12-18 09:40:00




        基本形式:If + had done…, …would /could / should /might + have done

        例如:If she had been warned earlier, she wouldn’t have broken the


        (事實上:She was not warned earlier and she broke the rules.)

        If it hadn’t rained, the match would have seemed more fascinating.

        (事實上:It rained and the match was less fascinating.)


        Had the letter been sent out, it would have ruined our friendship.= If the letter had been sent out, it would have ruined our friendship.


        基本形式:If + should do…, …would /could /should /might + do; 意思類似


        例如:If he should forget the date, I might teach him a good lesson.


        If it should snow this afternoon, we could make a snowman.



        Should my car fail, I would have to return home on foot.

        = If my car should fail, I would have to return home on foot.

        注意1:部分動詞的賓語從句中需用虛擬語氣,形式為should do, 其中should常被

        省略。此類動詞有:insist, demand, suggest, propose, order, require, decide, ask, request等.

        例句: We all insist that we (should) not rest until we finish the work.

        The professor suggests that the students (should) collect enough mate rials before they work on this project.


        He gives me the suggestion that I (should) eat breakfast every moning.


        情這類習語有: as if , as though, but for, otherwise, without, wish, if only等

        例句: But for your help, I would not have arrived here in time.


        Without your help, I would not arrive here in time.

        注意3:在下列形容詞引導的that從句中必須要用虛擬語氣(should) do,但是由于 shou


        這類形容詞有: It is important/ necessary/ proper/ imperative/ essential/adv isable等 + that

        例句:It is necessary that he (should) realize his situation.一致原則一致原則貫穿英語語法,在前面各個章節(jié)中已有涉及,本章作為對前面的補充

        第一節(jié) 主謂一致

        主謂一致指的是主語和謂語在數(shù)上要保持一致. 在英語除了時態(tài)的變化外,名詞、動詞的數(shù)也有差別,這就要求主語(以名詞為代表)和謂語(包括助動詞)在數(shù)上要一致如:

        1. 在名詞+of+名詞這種結(jié)構(gòu)中, 前一個名詞是整個短語的中心詞, 當該短語作主

        語時,一般以of之前名詞的數(shù)為依據(jù)確定謂語的數(shù).one of 之后需接復數(shù)名詞,但one of+名詞作主語時中心詞是one,故謂語應用單數(shù)One of my students wins the game.

        2. 由and連接的多個名詞作主語,謂語動詞應用復數(shù)

        Career and love are important to me.

        Jim, John and Mary are playing football.


        The famous singer and actress, Whitney Huston is coming to the ceremony.  

        (在這里, singer和actress指得是同一人, 都是Whitney Huston)

        3. 不可數(shù)名詞,尤其是抽象名詞(relation, authority, necessity, power,

        democr acy, young等)作主語時要視為單數(shù),謂語自然也要用單數(shù)

        The relation between us is very simple.

        4. 單個從句作主語時,謂語用單數(shù)

        That she has gone insane is sheer rumor.

        When they will come hasn’t been made public.

        5. 如果主語是單數(shù),那么即使后面有with/ together with/ along


        by, no less than, like, but, except, including, besides等引導的短語,謂語動詞仍然要是用單數(shù)

        例如:The boy, together with his parents, goes to the cinema today.

        No one except the two boys knows how to solve this problem.

        6. 由Not A but B, Not only A but also B, either A or B, neither A nor B


        Either you or Mary hurts her.

        Neither my wife nor I myself am able to persuade my daughter to cha

        nge her mind.

        Not you but he is tired of typing.

        Not only the students but also the teacher is going to be blamed.

        7.在there be句型、介詞短語、副詞為句首引起的倒裝句中,真正的主語通常在謂 語的

        后面,謂語應該和后面的主語在數(shù)方面相一致。但是在there be 句型中,如果有兩個或者兩個以上的主語,必須和最接近他的那個主語相一致。

        There are a lot of books on the table.

        There is only one pencil, two books and one cup on the table.

        Many a time has he given us good advice.


        —I’ve come out without any money.

        —Never mind I __________ you some.

        A. am going to lend B. will lend C. have lent D. am to lend

        【分析】此題應選B。容易誤選A。這里主要談一談有關(guān)“will+動詞原形”和“be going to+動詞原形”的區(qū)別:在通常情況下兩者都可表示將來時間和意圖,且有時可換用:


        正:I won’t tell you about it.

        正:I’m not going to tell you about it.

        但是此時要注意:若是強調(diào)某個意圖是經(jīng)過事先考慮好的,則通常要用be going to;若是表示某個意圖沒有經(jīng)過事先考慮,而是在說話的當時才臨時想到的,則通常用will,且以上兩種情況通常不能換用。比較并體會:

        1. —Come to the party. 來參加晚會吧。

        —OK,I’ll bring my boyfriend. 好的,我把我的男 朋友也帶來。(臨時想法)

        2. —Where is the telephone book? 電話薄在哪?

        —I’ll get it for you. 我去給你拿。(臨時想法)

        3. —Why are you taking it out? 干嗎要把它拿出來?

        —I’m going to wash it. 我想把它洗一洗。 (事先考慮)

        4. —Have you bought a typewriter? 你買了臺打字機嗎?

        —Yes. I’m going to learn to type. 是的,我想學打字。(事先考慮)


        1. I didn’t finish reading that French book, neither _____ .

        A. did he B. didn’t he C. he did D. he could

        答案:A解析:neither 后面用倒裝.

        2. _____ said was disputed by several other witnesses.

        A. That the man B. It is the man

        C. What the man D. The man had

        答案:C解析:What the man said…… 這是一個名詞性主語從句做主語.

        3 She heard a terrible noise, _____ brought her heart into her mouth.

        A. it B. this C. which D. that

        答案:C解析: 她聽到一陣可怕的聲音,這讓她心都提到噪子眼兒了。這是一個非限制性定語從句,這種情況下用which來引導。

        4. _____ is careless when disposing of his wastes.

        A. It is man B. Man C. Man who D. A man

        答案:B解析: Man 在這里是指“人類”的意思。

        5. _____ five hundred people are believed to have drowned.

        A. As many as B. As much as

        C. So many as D. So much as

        答案:A解析:首先B、D不對,因為much后面修飾不可數(shù)名詞; as many as 與…一樣多,后面可以接具體的數(shù)字;而C項不正確,因為:so many as 如此眾多的,后面不能出現(xiàn)具體的數(shù)字




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