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2021-06-01 09:17:46










1. She is___ interested in physics. She often works at it until

into the night.

A. deep; deep

B. deep; deeply

C. deeply; deep

D. deeply; deeply

2. What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has been?

A. given out

B. put out

C. held u

D. used up

3. The driver was

for the tulfe accident.

A. not blame

B. not to be blamed

C. not to blame

D. not to be blame

4. As gas is gctting more and more expensive, many people are_publie ransportation.

A. looking for

B. setting up

C. turning 1o

D. changing into

5. The water will be futher polluted unless some measures

A. will be taken

B. are taken

C. were taken

D. had been taken

6. All the neighbor admire this family,___the parents are treating their child like a frend.

A. why

B. where

C. which

D. that

7.“ Hi, Mark. How was the musical evening?"

"Exellent! Ales and Andy performed___and they won the first prize.

A. slilfully

B. commonly

C. wllingly

D. nervously

8.“Are you happy with your new computer?"

“No, itis___me a lot of trouble.

A. showing

B. leaving

C. giving

D. sparing

9. Studenta are ahways interested in finding out___they can go with a new teacher.

A. how far

B. how soon

C. how often

D. how long

10.___in the fields on a March afermoon, he could feel the warrmth of spring.

A. To walk

B. Walking

C. Walked

D. Having walked

11. In modem times, people have to leam to____ all kinds of pressure although they are leading a comnfortable life.

A. keep with

B. stay with

C. meet with

D. live with

12. The present situation is very complex, so I think it will take me some time to___its reality.

A. make up .

B. figure oul

C. look through


13. In those days, our___concerm was to provide people who were stopped by the snow stom with food and health care.

A. normal

B. constant

C. permanent

D. primary

14. As he works in a remote area, he visits his parents only

A. oecasionally

B. anxiously

C. practically

D. urgently

15. When she first rrived in China, she wondered what the future might have____ for her, but now all her worries are gone.

A. in need

B. in time

C. in preparation

D. in store

16.“Did you have a good time in Thailand last week?"___,itwastoohot.”

A. Not relly

B. Yeah, why not

C. Oh, great

D. You're right

17. Peter______be really dificult at times even though he's a nice person in general.

A. shall

B. should

C. can

D. must

18. We first met on a train in 2000. We both fel immediately that we______each other for years.

A. knew

B. have known

C. have knew

D. know

19. My neighbor asked me to go for______walk, but I don't think I've got energy.

A. a;不填.

B. the; the


D. a; the

20. You have to be a fairly good speaker to______listeners' interest for over an hour.

A. hold

B. make

C. improve

D. receive



下列每句各有一個錯誤,找出錯誤并改正。 請將錯誤及改正寫在答題卡(紙)上。


Who's taking care the dog while you're away?

taking care→taking care of

21. Ten miles are too long to walk for a child of his age.

22. When I arived hone, I unpacked my suicases, took showers, and then 1 went to slep afer eating somnething,

23. This equipment has saved lifes of a nunber of newbom children.

24. I haven't got any pens to wrie.

25. Dogs dffer with wolves in shape.

26. Iht is ber who paid the water bill for us.

27. The Smith are going to visit us from Australia next week.

28. The manager repeated again the deadline for the report.

29. They would have been here by now it they have caught the early trnin.

30. The accident was similr with the one that happened las year,



31. winding path/ the house/ leading up 1o/ thre's/ a very long

32. incase/ his camera ready / he would /ol sonething / he has had / make a good picture

33. anew look/ sufering from/ look on/ shorly after / the eity 1 a massive earthquake

34. says that he/ the president of/ has a pasion for/ the World Bank 1 from his childhood /


35. from other food cultures/ American/ for the better/ can/ take a tum / food culture

36. il/ what your friend / immedialely / suprises you/ don't ret it / comes up with

37. later on/ some healh problens / when not teated / can become bgger ones / in time

38. jabs/ of the country/ there are/ in the westem part / avalable / plenty of

39. itis/ this year/ on the Intenet/ found / one of/ so far / the funniest hing

40. American Indian/ five percent of/ make ψp/ the U. s. 1 about / population


下面每句都有- -個標點符號錯誤.該用標點處未用標點或標點符號用錯。改正錯誤或補寫



A. What a nice present you gave me.me!

B. You think you are right don't you?right,

41.1 slowly drove past the brick house. The place where I grow up.

42. His opinion, whether right or wrong should be taken into consideration.

43. Every employee in the company is entiled to a two week vacation.

44. Your esay is more convincing than Marys.

45.“Let nature be our teacher. ”adrised the poet William Wordsworth.

46. He placed an order for two hundred rlls of puple, paper nibons.

47. I tied to cash my payebeck, however, 1 had froten to bring ienication.

48. "Did you know," sid the nutition expert,“that ir's healthier to be ten pounds overweight.

49. The pardon from the govemnor fnally arived, too late.

50. You've passed the test. Congratulations,



51. You're the managing director of a company. Your company had several complaints from employees saying that the tea-making facilis are not enough for them.

Write a remo 10 the division personal managers:

●Expressing your concerns about the complaints;

●Telling them to pay atenion to the importance of tea-making facies;

●Asking them to send you a report on it.



52.你叫王毅。你所在的公司將參加11月10日至21日在廣州舉辦的第52屆中國出口商品博覽會,請寫一封邀請信,邀請客戶George Smith參會。包括如下內(nèi)容: .






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