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2020-06-06 09:16:00









        Section I: Basic Theories and Principles

        Questions 1 — 10 are based on this part.

        Directions: Choose the best answer for the following questions and write your answers in the brackets.

        1. Language functions refer to ( )

        A. the things we do in real life, or more technically speaking, speech acts

        B. the things we learn in class

        C. the things that are grammatically correct

        D. the things by which we can make ourselves understood

        2. Which of the following beliefs belongs to Behaviorist theory?( )

        A. Learning is a mechanical process of habit formation.

        B. Language is an intricate rulebased system.

        C. Learning is a process in which the learner actively tries to make sense of data.

        D. Learning is a process in which the learner understands the target language with the help of explanations in his/her mother tongue.

        3. Learners’ needs mean( )

        A. the things that they have to do in their daily routines

        B. the things that they have to do in their classroom

        C. the things that they have to do in their homework

        D. the things that they have to do with the language in real life and are closely tied to their purposes for learning the language

        4. Which of the following serves as the best definition for “syllabus”?( )

        A. the situations that the learner might find himself in and the language activities he is most likely to take part in

        B. the functions of language that are most useful and the topics that are most important and common

        C. the functions of language that are most useful and the general notions which the learner might need to express

        D. all of the above

        5. Which of the following styles belongs to functional approach?( )

        A. Inviting.  B. Role-play.

        C. Sentence completion.  D. Translation.

        6.Communication has the following features:( )

        A. necessity and unpredictability

        B. choice of language

        C. correct structure

        D. both A and B

        7. When you pick up a newspaper, you read through the headlines, titles and subtitles quickly to get a general idea about what is written on the page and find out if there is anything interesting there. This skill is called ( )

        A. scanning B. skimming

        C. inference D. reading for details

        8. Which of the following is NOT the aim of the pre-reading stage?( )

        A. preparing the students for the content of the text

        B. helping students understand the content and structure of the text

        C. arousing the students’ interest in the topic or type of text

        D. motivating students to read the text by providing a purpose for reading

        9. Successful listening requires the listener ( )

        A. to understand every single word of the heard material

        B. to write down as many words as possible during his listening

        C. to catch what he regards as important according to his listening purpose

        D. to entertain himself

        10. A descriptive grammar ( )

        A. describes what should be used to produce accurate utterances

        B. describes what should be avoided in producing accurate utterances

        C. describes the way the accurate language is used

        D. describes the way the language is presently being used


        Section Ⅱ: Problem Solving

        DIRECTIONS: Situations in classroom teaching are provided here. In each situation there are some problems. Firstly, identify the problems; secondly, provide your own solutions according to the communicative language teaching principles and explain in details.

        1. Since most of our students have little exposure to authentic language outside the classroom and even fewer opportunities to practise it in authentic situations, communication skills should be rehearsed in the classroom with authentic materials. Now please list the reasons for using authentic texts in class as many as possible.

        2. Keeping a written record of new vocabulary is an important part of language learning for many students, as just writing it down sometimes helps one to remember it. Try to explain what information they should note about a new word.

        3. Make a list of all the ways you might use to present new words to your students.


        Section Ⅲ: Mini-lesson Plan or Text Analysis

        DIRECTIONS: Skim through the following passage and find out its organization and main idea of the passage, and then make a minilesson plan of this passage.

        Keep your elbows off the table. Don’t eat or drink noisily. Say “please”. Most of us have heard our parents say these phrases many times. Did our parents simply enjoy enforcing these rules, or do good manners actually have a purpose in life? As we grow, manners, or the socially correct way of acting, become more and more important. Good manners are necessary in business, social, and family situations.

        In the work place, good manners can make the difference between getting a job and staying unemployed. When calling to set up an interview, one should be polite and professional to the person answering the phone. Arriving at the interview on time and well dressed is another way to impress the boss. Wearing jeans or shorts is not appropriate. Several days after the interview, it is polite to send a letter thanking the interviewer for his or her time. Having good manners like these will impress people in business situations, and can increase one’s success.

        Manners are also important in social situations. When a friend calls with a party invitation, one should check the date and either accept or decline. Responding promptly to an invitation is an example of good social manners. When attending the party, one should not bring along people who weren’t invited. A guest who shows up with five or six uninvited people will probably embarrass the host. When you leave the party, it is polite to thank the host and ask if he needs any help cleaning up. Friends feel appreciated when they are treated this way.

        It is easy to forget about good manners with family members, but manners become very important when people live together. We can be considerate to relatives by remembering to relay phone messages. It can be upsetting when messages are forgotten or written down wrong. Another problem can result from borrowing things without asking or returning them. One should always ask permission to borrow something, like clothes or even toothpaste. Being polite and returning borrowed things quickly will keep family members happy. Another way to respect family members is to knock on the door before entering a room because everyone appreciates having privacy. This type of behavior will improve relationships and keep the house peaceful.

        Many people believe that having good manners is not important, or is an oldfashioned way of behaving. However, parents realize that manners are important and they teach their children how to be polite so they can achieve many things. Although sitting up straight and remembering to say “thank you” may seem like a lot of trouble, having good manners will keep employers, friends, and family members happy.

Your lesson plan should include the following aspects:

        (1) Name(s) of activity(ies)

        (2) Objective(s) of the activity(ies)

        (3) Type(s) of the activity(ies)

        (4) Classroom organization of the activities

        (5) Teacher’s role(s)

        (6) Students’ role(s)

        (7) Teacher working time

        (8) Student working time

        (9) Teaching aid(s)

        (10) Predicated problem(s)

        (11) Solution(s)

        (12) Homework

        (13) Procedures

        A. Pre-

        B. While-

        C. Post-



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