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2020-06-06 09:17:00









        Section I: Basic Theories and Principles

        Questions 1-10 are based on this part. 

        Directions: Choose the best answer for the following questions and write your answers in the brackets.

        1. According to Krashen's natural order hypothesis, which of the following is right? ( )

        A. No matter what order is adopted in language learning, the order of acquisition is similar to that in which one learns his native language.

        B. No matter what order is adopted in language learning, the order of acquisition is dissimilar to that in which one learns science. 

        C. No matter what order is adopted in language learning, the order of acquisition is similar to that in which one learns his foreign language. 

        D. No matter what order is adopted in language learning, the order of learning is similar to that in which one acquires his native language.

        2. In functional-notional approach, a function means ( )

        A. what you do with the language when you interact with people, for example, give directions, buy goods, ask a price, claim ownership of something,etc.

        B. an abstract concept, for example, location, number, ownership, frequency, duration, dimension, etc.

        C. pronunciation and intonation.

        D. language fluency and accuracy and description of skills .

        3. In Suggestopedia,( )

        A. the importance of silence in the classroom is given top priority.

        B. particular attention is paid to the comfort of the classroom, the learning environment.

        C. the use of soft music is the only key to success.

        D. learners whose language is more fluent and accurate is set as examples.

        4. An effective or good reader ( )

        A. makes most use of contextual redundancy to facilitate recognition.

        B. does not have automatic word recognition. 

        C. uses less context than poor readers do. They decode faster. 

        D. can memorize a lot of more new words in a vocabulary book than other learners.

        5. Pre-listening activities may serve the following purposes except ( )

        A. to help students establish listening expectations.

        B. to activate students' prior knowledge about the topic.

        C. to warm students up and arouse their interest in listening.

        D. to train students to approach listening with specific skills based on certain purposes.

        6. Sociolinguistics is ( )

        A. the study of culture and the comparison of cultures between different countries.

        B. the study of the social culture of the classroom, the roles teachers play and the customs followed by the students.

        C. the study of the relationship between language and society, including the social functions language fulfills in a society.

        D. the study of language teaching and how to make learners sensitive to language appropriacy.

        7. Prescriptive grammar ( )

        A. is better than descriptive grammar for learners of English.

        B. attempts to describe for learners the way the language is presently being used.

        C. represents the language which is currently used.

        D. tells language learners what they should use in order to produce accurate utterances.

        8. We learn new words much better from a context, which is to ( )

        A. put all the words in a vocabulary book with their meanings in the mother tongue.

        B. dictate the words a number of times a week. 

        C. relate words to a memorable context, such as a story. 

        D. recite the text repeatedly. 

        9. As a major reading strategy, inferring refers to ( )

        A. the way of reading in which the reader usually moves his eyes over the text very quickly just in order to get the gist of it or decide whether it is worth reading more deeply or not.

        B. making use of syntactic, logical and cultural clues to discover the meaning of unknown elements such as the writer's opinions or a new word.

        C. locating specific information the reader wants from the text.

        D. careful reading of the whole text.

        10. A lesson normally focuses on such objectives as ( )

        A. new words, grammar and exercises. 

        B. functions and skills. 

        C. particular topics, structure and vocabulary.

        D. both B and C.


        Section II: Problem Solving

        DIRECTIONS: Situations in classroom teaching are provided here. In each situation there are some problems. Firstly, identify the problems; secondly, provide your own solutions according to the communicative language teaching principles and explain in details.

        1. Miss Li is a new primary school English teacher. She thinks English teacher's role is an authority instructor in class, so she always reads out the new words and texts to the students to set up an example of pronunciation and intonation and explains language points throughout the class, making her students feel bored. She is worried about it. In order to help her to become a qualified teacher, you can apply Harmer's ideas about the language teacher's potential roles in class to give Miss Li some suggestion.

        2. The English language has a fairly large vocabulary, which makes both learning and teaching of the language very difficult. In order to help students learn as many words as possible by heart efficiently, many teachers prefer to ask students to do a dictation of new words, either in Chinese or in English, before giving new lessons. Do you think it is the best way for vocabulary teaching? What ability do you think "knowing" a word should include? 

        3. The key question language teachers would ask is how to help students to develop communicative competence. Being an English teacher, make full use of your teaching experience, and try to list the outer and inner factors that help a child acquire the first language. 


        Section III: Mini-lesson Plan or Text Analysis

        DIRECTIONS: Skim through the following passage and find out its organization and main idea of the passage, and then make a mini-lesson plan of this passage.

        There are two basic differences between the large and the small enterprises. In the small enterprise you operate primarily through personal contacts. In the large enterprise you have established "policies,""channels" of organization, and fairly rigid procedures. In the small enterprise you have, moreover, immediate effectiveness in a very small area. You can see the effect of your work and of your decisions right away, once you are a little above the ground floor. In the large enterprise even the man at the top is only part of a big machine. To be sure, his actions affect a much greater area than the actions and decisions of the man in the small organization, but his effectiveness is remote, indirect, and difficult to see at first sight. In a small and even in a middle-sized business you are normally exposed to all kinds of experiences, and expected to do a great many things without too much help or guidance. In the large organization you are normally taught one thing thoroughly. In the small one the danger is of becoming a jack-of-all-trades and master of none. In the large one it is of becoming the man who knows more and more about less and less.

        There is one other important thing to consider: do you get a deep sense of satisfaction from being a member of a well-known organization — General Motors, the Bell Telephone System, the government? Or is it more important to you to be a well-known and important figure within your own small pond? There is a basic difference between the satisfaction that comes from being a member of a large, powerful, and generally known organization, and the one that comes from being a member of a family; between impersonal grandeur and personal — often much too personal — intimacy; between life in a small office on the top floor of a skyscraper and life in a crossroads gas station.

        More and more residences, businesses, and even government agencies are using telephone answering machines to take messages or give information or instructions. Sometimes these machines give confusing instructions, or play messages that are difficult to understand. If you make telephone calls, you need to be ready to respond if you get a recording.

Your lesson plan should include the following aspects:

        Lesson Plan:

        (1)Name(s) of activity(ies)

        (2)Objective(s) of the activity(ies)

        (3)Type(s) of the activity(ies)

        (4)Classroom organization of the activities

        (5)Teacher's role(s)

        (6)Students' role(s)

        (7)Teacher working time

        (8)Student working time

        (9)Teaching aid(s)

        (10)Predicated problem(s)




        A. Pre- 

        B. While- 

        C. Post-



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