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2018-10-24 13:41:51



Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 11 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a

question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken

twice. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices

marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding

letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

Example: You will hear:

You will read:

A) At the office.

B) In the waiting room.

C) At the airport.

D) In a restaurant.

From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they have to finish in

the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at the office. Therefore, A) "At the office" is

the best answer. You should choose Answer [A] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single fine

through the centre.

Sample Answer [A] [B] [C] [D]

1. A) The teacher made the students write in class.

B) The teacher taught a new lesson.

C) The teacher put off the class until Friday.

D) The teacher reviewed a previous lesson.

2. A) It's going to be a lot of fun. C) It’s going to attract a lot of students.

B) It's going to require a lot of reading. D) It’s going to work out quite well.

3. A) To a restaurant. C) To a play.

B) To the beach. D) To a music hall.

4. A) The train is crowded. C) The train is on time.

B) The train is late. D) The train is out of order.

5. A) Mary enjoys learning mathematics.

B) Mary has never studied mathematics.

C) Mary is perhaps poor at mathematics.

D) Mary must be good at mathematics.

Part II Reading Comprehension (35 Minutes)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or

unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You

should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a

single line through the centre.

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.

Passage One

The modern village of Apollonia is on the coast, sixteen kilometers north of Cyrene. It is

reached by a delightful road that drops down 700 meters over two huge “steps” of rock to the sea.

Tourists go down to Apollonia in the afternoon, after they have spent the morning in Cyrene.

Both places were cities long ago, and they are full of interesting and beautiful ruins. There is more

to be seen in Cyrene — on the ground, you understand. If you want to know the excitement of an

underwater city, Apollonia is the place.

Some ruins of Apollonia are on the mainland. Some are on an island a thousand meters from

the short. The rest now lie between, under eight or ten meters of water. The sea is warm, seldom

rough. It is often almost as clear as glass.

On a still day, then, swim out towards the island. Swim under water as much as you can, with

your eyes open. Look down.

First you see a street, with houses and shops on both sides. Their roofs have fallen in, but the

walls are standing. Some shops have a big stone table — a counter perhaps ? C and stone

shelves. At the end of this street you come to a square. It has a wide pavement all around, and

some buildings open directly on to the pavement. Were they cafes? Did the waiters put tables and

chairs on the pavement in summer long ago?

Over two thousand years ago the king of Egypt visited the city. He brought his daughter

Cleopatra with him. She was ten years old at the time, and her father built a huge swimming bath

for her. You can still see Cleopatra's Bath, behind the cafes in the square. And you will not be

surprised to hear that it is still full of water!

16. How far is the underwater city Apollonia away from Cyrene?

A) About 16 kilometers. C) About 700 kilometers.

B) About 1,000 kilometers. D) About 8 to 10 kilometers.

17. What do we learn from the passage?

A) Cyrene’s underwater sights are very interesting.

B) Apollonia’s underwater ruins make the tourists excited.

C) The underwater city has only one part.

D) The ruins of the underwater city are all on an island.

18. What did the king of Egypt do when he visited the city with is ten-year-old daughter?

A) He built a small, well-equipped bath for his daughter.

B) He built a large square for his daughter to play.

C) He built many cafes in the square.

D) He built a huge swimming bath for his daughter.

19. What did the author suggest that you visit Apollonia?

A) Drop two "steps" of rock to the sea. C) Swim under water.

B) Go along the beach. D) Swim out towards the island.

20. The author says that "Cleopatra's Bath is still full of water" because

A) it's still open to the tourists to take a bath

B) it's under about nine meters of water

C) it's too huge to be full of water

D) it's big enough to be a swimming pool

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

Passage Two

Many American college and university students live in university residence halls. These halls

are popularly called "dorms". Residence halls may offer various types of living accommodations.

There are single rooms, in which a student lives alone but there probably are a good many more

double rooms, which two students share. Some dorms have sets of rooms, where small groups of

students have separate bedrooms but share a bathroom and maybe a study room.

There are usually a number of conveniences available for those living in university residence

halls. Most have washing machines and clothes dryers for use by the residents. Many dorms have

kitchens where students can prepare light meals: Residence halls generally provide not only room

and board but public rooms and recreational facilities (娛樂設(shè)施) and sometimes study rooms for

their use.

If you live in a dormitory you need to know what the rules and regulations are. Meals usually

are served at only certain hours, and you must be there at those hours if you expect to eat. There

may be only certain hours when visitors may come, or they may be limited to certain areas of the

dormitory. Often cooking in bedrooms is prohibited (禁止), and the use of certain pieces of

electrical equipment such as coffee pots or hair dryers may be limited.

Living in a residence hall carries certain obligation (義務(wù)). You have to be considerate of

others, especially during study hours. Telephone calls and visits by friends should be short. You

have to cooperate in keeping the room as neat as possible. It is sometimes hard to be tolerant of

another person's habits that may differ from your own.

21. Residence halls in American universities provide .

A) single rooms shared by two students.

B) apartments for small groups of students.

C) double rooms for two students.

D) separate rooms with a common bathroom.

22. Living in university halls is convenient because .

A) meals are served at any time

B) most halls provide various facilities

C) public rooms are available for visitors

D) all have study rooms for their own use

23. What is prohibited in residence halls?

A) Eating meals in one's bedroom. C) The use of electrical equipment.

B) The use of coffee pots. D) Preparing meals in bedrooms.

24. What must you learn to be tolerant of if you live in a dormitory?

A) Your roommate's telephone calls.

B) Habits that may differ from your own.

C) Visits by your roommate's friends.

D) Roommates who are inconsiderate.

25. Living in a residence hall you have to .

A) do your best to keep the room clean

B) form a habit of other's

C) have your phone calls in your room

D) study hard during study hours

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

Passage Three

What is a good listener? Students who feel they are say it is because they pay attention;

remember what the person says; and ask questions based on what the other has said; or it is

because they like people and are interested in them. They feel they are poor listeners when they

think about something else while the other is talking or when they're tired, or not interested in

what she or he is talking about. In fact, there are a variety of ways to listen, just as there are a

variety of ways to say something. Human beings are complex and concealing. Often we don't say

what we want to say, or say exactly the opposite of what we want to say. Sometimes, we aren't

honest or direct with another because we think we don't have the right or are afraid of what will

happen if we are. The body "talks", too, sometimes more honestly than the tongue.

These different ways of talking need different ways of listening. To keep the seesaw going in

conversations and in relationships, we need to understand and use these different ways, especially

if our goal is to be a caring, thoughtful person. By knowing how

to listen in various ways, you can be accurate in picking up messages no matter how they

are masked or distorted (變形了的) or how they are delivered. Some messages are heard just by

listening silently; some, by holding a hand or giving a hug (擁抱). But to be able to respond

accurately, you need to hear accurately.

Most people listen only with their ears. Too few listen with their hearts as well as their ears,

listening to the other's, sharing of his or her hopes, joys, fears.

26. According to the passage, listening only with ears may happen to us when .

A) we are emotionally tired C) we are so interested in the topic

B) we are physically disabled D) we are asked many questions

27. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about a good listener?

A) He can feel what the speaker thinks.

B) He can share the speaker's feeling.

C) He can remember what the speaker says.

D) He can listen with his heart.

28. The purpose in writing the second paragraph is to .

A) demonstrate why we are not honest in communication

B) explain how our body "talks"

C) illustrate ways used by people in speaking

D) show that understanding one's speech is not an easy job

29. The word "seesaw" (Line 1, Para. 3) probably means .

A) communication C) understanding

B) purpose D) friendship

30. According to the passage our failure to give proper response to the speaker is probably

because .

A) we misunderstand what he says C) he speaks in a distorted way

B) we don't like the speaker D) he speaks in a different language

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

Passage Four

Superstition (迷信) is a difficult question. We cannot quite say that superstition in Britain is

dead. Its history is too long and too recent for that, and indeed you will find many remains of it in

modem Britain. But they are only connected chiefly with vague beliefs of good luck and bad luck.

It is unlucky, for instance, to walk under a ladder, or to spill salt, or break a mirror, or to have

anything to do with number 13; whereas a horseshoe brings good luck, and people jokingly "touch

wood" to prevent the return of a past misfortune. There are still many strange country remedies

against sickness which are obviously superstitions. Most of all, there is still a surprising amount of

interest in fortune-telling, e.g. in the form of "horoscopes" (占星術(shù)) in newspapers and women's

magazines — though for most people this is nothing more than an amusement, which they may

well be slightly ashamed of.

But the real measure of superstition is fear. In this sense there is no superstition in Britain.

British people as a whole do not believe in evil influences or evil spirits. Sickness and misfortune

do not come from devils, but are the result of chance or foolishness or inefficiency. Devils belong

only to history books. Devils exist only in the mind — usually the minds of others. Magic is

simply an interesting word for performing

tricks. Fairies (童話故事中的仙女) are pretty little winged creatures in "fairy stories" for

children and any adult who believed in fairies or magic or devils would be considered slightly mad.

Thus, modem Britain has largely emerged from superstition, and the future seems to consist not of

devils, but of matter and machines.

31. The author's purpose in writing this passage is to .

A) criticize British people's superstitious beliefs

B) show British people's attitudes towards superstitious beliefs today

C) describe various superstitious beliefs still practiced in modern Britain

D) emphasize the influence of superstition upon the British people

32. According to the remaining superstitious beliefs in Britain, all the following are concerned

with bad luck except .

A) break a mirror C) touch wood

B) walk under a ladder D) pour salt out

33. For most British people today, a horoscope column in newspapers is .

A) just for fun C) only for women

B) for making money D) for fortune-telling

34. In the future, British people will .

A) become slaves of machines C) get rid of their beliefs of God

B) remove fairies from their life D) have no superstitious beliefs

35. The author's attitude towards the changing of superstition-belief is .

A) optimistic C) critical

B) pessimistic D) neutral

Part III Vocabulary and Structure (25 minutes)

Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four

choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then

mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

36. John's score on the test is the highest in his class; he have studied very hard.

A) should C) must

B) may D) ought to

37. It was difficult to guess what his to the news would be.

A) reaction C) comment

B) impression D) opinion

38. that the trade between the two countries reached its highest point.

A) During the 1990's C) That it was in the 1990's

B) It was in the 1990's D) It was the 1990's

39. There were some flowers on the table.

A) artificial B) unnatural C) unreal D) false

40. He suggested to tomorrow's exhibition together.

A) we go C) we shall go

B) us to go D) we went

41. No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to .

A) other C) another

B) any other D) the other

42. If you want you have to get the fund somewhere.

A) to have done the job C) the job done

B) that the job is done D) the job that is done

43. Children are very curious .

A) at heart C) in person

B) by nature D) on purpose

44. There is more land in Australia than the government knows .

A) what to do with C) to do with

B) how to do D) to do it

45. Only by shouting at the top of his voice .

A) he was able to make himself hear C) he was able to make himself heard

B) was he able to make himself hear D) was he able to make himself heard

46. such a good chance, he planned to learn more.

A) To be give C) Having given

B) Having been given D) Given

47. I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into when judging my examination.

A) account C) regard

B) observation D) counting

48. They are considering before the prices go up.

A) with buying the house C) buying the house

B) of buying-the house D) to buy the house

49. We object punishing a whole class for one person's fault.

A) about C) to

B) against D) for

50. I shall have a companion in the house after all these years.

A) lonely B) sole C) single D) alone

51. None of the servants were when Mr. Smith wanted to send a message.

A) available C) applicable

B) approachable D) attainable

52. I can't what that object is.

A) make for C) make up

B) make out D) make over

53. I want to buy a new tie to this brown suit.

A) go after C) go by

B) go into D) go with

54. The satellite can ten thousand telephone conversations and a hundred color TV programs.

A) carry C) extend

B) bring D) take

55. Many people complain of the rapid of modern life.




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